Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Electrics - side lights and fog light

I spent some time studying my drawing and things started to make sence.  The side lights must be able to be turned on when the ignition is off (for IVA) and the fog light must only be able to turn on when the dipped lights are on.

The purple 12v permanent fused supply will go to the side light switch.  The side light switch, when pressed, powers up the 5th and 6th fuse.  The 5th powers the fog light and its telltale.  The 6th powers the side lights (front and rear).  The current drawn by the side lights is only small so these can run through the savage switch.  The fog light needs more power so this will go through a relay.  This also allows the condition of only being on when the dipped are on.

To do this the feed from the dipped relay activates the coil, and the feed from the fuse turns on the fog light.  I need to add a switch to the coil feed for the actual fog switch on the dash.

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